Sabtu, 11 November 2017

best friend

introduce my name MIRA and I have a school friend once in high school. his name WULAN PURNAMA we were not so close from kls.1 we are limited to ordinary friend ordinary. 
we started closer at kls.3 because we were studying groups for school assignments back then. that's where we begin to get closer and closer and in our day to day our school is always together until home school we are always together.

wulan it's a simple person at school he always bring the favorite glass that pink color he always likes the pink in my opinion he is a very good person can understand the friends who again the trouble always help always understand the state of friends for things I do not like from my best friend maybe flexsibel a little misunderstanding may be common but we can finish well without any difference. 

until I and wulan finish our school contact contact always walawpun we are there are activities and busy with each work. we always have free time to meet and walk the way to spend our togetherness when we have time to meet. I hope from school to graduate and we get old to have my children and grandchildren will be friends I will tell my offspring if I have a friend like my family. so my story if there is lack of apology and I say thank you.

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