Kamis, 28 Desember 2017

benefits of aloe vera

benefits of aloe vera

Aloe vera or in its Latin name called Aloe vera is a plant that grows in a tropical climate with a cactus-like shape. This plant has been widely used by the community because of its various benefits and properties.

The gel and latex part of the plant is most often used for treatment. You can find gel content on the inside of aloe vera leaf meat, while latex content can be found just under the skin of the plant with a yellowish color.

To get the benefits of this plant, you can immediately consume it or you can make it as a topical for use outside the body. Here are 14 benefits of aloe vera that you must know and should not miss

Sabtu, 11 November 2017

best friend

introduce my name MIRA and I have a school friend once in high school. his name WULAN PURNAMA we were not so close from kls.1 we are limited to ordinary friend ordinary. 
we started closer at kls.3 because we were studying groups for school assignments back then. that's where we begin to get closer and closer and in our day to day our school is always together until home school we are always together.

wulan it's a simple person at school he always bring the favorite glass that pink color he always likes the pink in my opinion he is a very good person can understand the friends who again the trouble always help always understand the state of friends for things I do not like from my best friend maybe flexsibel a little misunderstanding may be common but we can finish well without any difference. 

until I and wulan finish our school contact contact always walawpun we are there are activities and busy with each work. we always have free time to meet and walk the way to spend our togetherness when we have time to meet. I hope from school to graduate and we get old to have my children and grandchildren will be friends I will tell my offspring if I have a friend like my family. so my story if there is lack of apology and I say thank you.

chaikue glame pontianak 

This food is called by the name of the cake chai (in Kek language), but also known as choi pan (Hokkian). It looks like a small pastel cake, the skin is soft, thin, and white. Served warm with chopped garlic fries sprinkled on top.

From the dough of rice flour and corn starch chewy and large ball-shaped, the dough is taken a handful and then crushed into a very thin layer and printed in a circle. Each leather sheet is filled with a variety of stuffing, to order-chives, bamboo shoots, chicken meat, beef or shrimp, then folded and pressed tightly at the edges.

Fried garlic weakness became an ornament on the top. Eaten with orange sauce, which is spicy with a bit of sour taste. In addition to steamed, chai pan can also be fried and eaten with a mixture of oyster sauce and fish sauce. and after i try emang its taste different from others. this is my little story about the food I have encountered about my experience of trying chalue glame pontianak.

Gleam Cafe - Chai Kue Panas 18
Jl. Tamar no. 3, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat
Harga: Rp1.000/buah, Rp8.000 ‐ Rp12.000/porsi
Jam buka: 09.00 ‐ 22.00 wib

terjemahan :

Makanan ini disebut dengan nama chai kue (dalam bahasa Kek), tapi juga dikenal dengan sebutan choi pan (bahasa Hokkian). Bentuknya seperti kue pastel berukuran kecil, lapisan kulitnya lembut, tipis, dan berwarna putih. Disajikan hangat dengan serpihan bawang putih goreng yang ditaburkan di bagian atasnya.

Dari adonan tepung beras dan tepung maizena yang kenyal dan berbentuk bola besar, adonan diambil segenggam lalu digilas menjadi lapisan yang sangat tipis dan dicetak berbentuk lingkaran. Setiap lembar kulit diisi dengan beragam isian, sesuai pesanan —kucai, rebung, daging ayam, daging sapi, atau udang, kemudian dilipat dan ditekan rapat pada bagian pinggirnya.

Remahan bawang putih goreng pun menjadi hiasan di bagian atasnya. Disantap dengan sambal jeruk, yang pedas dengan sedikit cita rasa asam. Selain dikukus, chai pan juga bisa digoreng dan disantap dengan campuran saus tiram dan kecap ikan. dan setelah saya mencoba emang rasa nya beda dengan yang lain. ini sedikit cerita saya tentang makanan yang saya jumpai tentang pengalaman saya mencoba chaikue glame pontianak. 

Sabtu, 14 Oktober 2017

tugas bahasa inggris


I will tell my dream for the next 5 years. before I went to college first I only remember after finishing high school. just want to work and help finances in the family because my parents are old enough to work again. after I graduated from high school (high school) I applied for a company in Pontianak and have branches in other provinces. and I am accepted as an employee of the company. and now I have a boss in say he is the highest leader in Pontianak. he is a very professional leader figure for me. and he is also an advisor, the motivation for me to move forward and rise for a better life.

she once told me about herself herself to me and she said "mother from the past have much to learn about business world and marketing from mother finished college mother learn from the beginning work as sales (MARKETING) and until now mother already become leader which in trust by company the center may be the devotion of mother already too long and possibly 4 years ahead of mother will retire "and she told me now mother clay from mother ability very hope you can replace mother position here with 1 terms you have to study and connect your education because requirement condition the center for branch leadership should have an education S1.

and from there he has explained to me you must fight for your future and do not give up for something you dream of. and my future dream I want to replace my boss position and become the leader of the branch is one dream for 5 years ahead of me but I can only hope for the future and I return again to the Almighty because all of his will and I can only say 'a is best for me for his future. so my story I say thanks for everything.

Thank you also for miss Dini Haiti Zulfany

Jumat, 29 September 2017

Tugas bahasa inggris

there are photos of some places in pontianak and outside pontianak thus this photo that i take some photos that i will tell.

It's not a matter of getting ticketed, but a helmet is so crucial for the soul's safety. Just imagine if your head is not wrapped in a helmet, whether the injury will be suffered by the riders who had an accident while carrying the motor. try to see this rider does not wear a helmet while driving while his helmet is available but on the motor hanger especially when stopped at a red light is very dangerous and many negative things against this rider.

artinya :
Bukan masalah perkara kena tilang, tapi helm begitu sangat penting untuk keselamatan jiwa pengendara. Bayangkan saja kalau kepala kamu tidak dibungkus helm, entah luka apa yang akan diderita para pengendara yang mengalami kecelakaan saat bawa motor. coba lihat pengendara ini tidak memakai helm saat berkendara sedangkan helm nya tersedia tapi di gantungan motor apalagi saat berhenti di lampu merah sangat membahayakan dan banyak hal negatif terhadap pengendara ini tersebut. 

Advertising is information that contents the audience a lot or a lot of people to be interested in the goods or services offered.
In other words, advertising tells a lot of people about goods and services sold, installed in mass media such as taps and magazines or in public places.
In general, the advertisement is the presentation of nonpersonal information about a product, brand, company, or store that is executed with certain cost compensation. Therefore, advertising is a communication process that has the purpose of persuading or attracting the crowd to take action that benefits the party who created the ad.
artinya :
Iklan adalah informasi yang isinya membujuk khalayak banyak atau orang banyak supaya tertarik kepada barang atau jasa yang ditawarkan.
Dengan kata lain, iklan memberitahu kepada banyak orang mengenai barang dan jasa yang dijual, dipasang di media massa seperti kran dan majalah atau di tempat-tempat umum.
Secara umum, iklan berwujud penyajian informasi nonpersonal tentang suatu produk, merek, perusahaan, atau toko yang dijalankan dengan kompensasi biaya tertentu. Maka dari itu, iklan berupa proses komunikasi yang memiliki tujuan membujuk atau menarik orang banyak untuk mengambil tindakan yang menguntungkan pihak yang membuat iklan.

Kijing Beach is one of the favorite attractions in West Kalimantan. Precisely located in the area Mempawah, Pontianak regency. The beach is surrounded by hills and coconut trees can be achieved by using a motorcycle or car. It takes about 3 hours from the city of Pontianak to this Kijing Beach. this is one of the photos when I visited the very beautiful kijjing beach with the view available.

artinya :
Pantai Kijing adalah salah satu obyek wisata favorit di Kalimantan Barat. Tepatnya terletak di daerah Mempawah, Kabupaten Pontianak. Pantai yang dikelilingi bukit serta pohon kelapa ini dapat dicapai dengan menggunakan kendaraan sepeda motor atau mobil. Diperlukan waktu tempuh sekitar 3 jam dari kota Pontianak menuju ke Pantai Kijing ini. ini adalah salah satu foto di saat saya mengunjungi pantai kijjing yang sungguh amat indah dengan pemandangan yang tersedia .
Riam itself is located in Pisak Village, District 17, Sanggau Ledo, Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan. From the Capital of West Kalimantan Pontianak you have to drive using a motorcycle about 5 hours drive.
On a level, Riam Pangar is actually on top of the previously famous Smoking Smokes become a tourist attraction of Bengkayang residents. But in Riam Pangar, the manager gives a different taste. The rafting game opened. To activate it, a Travel Sadar Group was established in the village.

Riam ini sendiri terletak di Desa Pisak, Kecamatan  17, Sanggau Ledo, Kabupaten Bengkayang, Kalbar. Dari Ibukota Kalbar Pontianak anda harus berkendara menggunakan sepeda motor sekitar 5 jam perjalanan.
Secara tingkatan, Riam Pangar sebenarnya berada di atas Riam Berasap yang sebelumnya sudah terkenal menjadi objek wisata warga Bengkayang. Namun di Riam Pangar, pengelola memberikan rasa berbeda. Permainan arung jeram dibuka. Untuk menggiatkan itu, dibentuklah Kelompok Sadar Wisata di desa tersebut.

Jumat, 15 September 2017

about me


Nama : Mira 
Nim    : B1013171003

 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh introduce my name Mira faculty of economic development of the night of 2017. i was born in pontianak 30 july 1995. i want a little story about myself.

 my reason for continuing to university. because I want to learn about the economy in a business and want to know a broad insight. I work in PT.PONDAN PANGAN PANGAN MAKMUR INDONESIA for 3 years from high school graduation.
 until I am now to university. my company is engaged in the field of marketing of baking powder products. My position as MD (marchingdiser) which monitors goods in the field for example in supermarkets or bakery. My first reason why I want to continue my school because in the promotion can not be with high school graduation that my boss said to me

the words of my boss motivated me to continue my studies to university level. and my zeal to work as hard as possible for my college expenses and one of the sides I want to see my parents are proud of my current success to go to university at my own expense.
 I worked for 3 years to realize my dreams because I understand the circumstances of my parents who are unable to finance me to go to university. my next goal I want to see my parents happy and proud when I succeed later and present at the time specified. so ma  ny of my stories if there is a word and a word of pleasure please apologize right.

Thank you also for miss Dini Haiti Zulfany